
Paradise is Where... Ep14 Prt1

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J. Lucy-Daisuke Fanfics: Jolili, Danso Maso-free for one year and counting (and probably going to stay that way! ;P). Ah, after a few days off from writing that last chapter quickly, finally back on track to this storyline :D

Boy this makes me want to sit down and watch some Hawaii Five-O O.o Anyway, enjoy! :D

Episode 14:
Keroro Shotai: Hawaiian Blues!
Part 1

“ALOHA!” Keroro cried out as he was the first to walk out on the steps, suitcases in hand. He was already dressed for the occasion, with a lei hung about his neck, straw hat, sunglasses, and Hawaiian print shirt. Natsumi was second off of the plane, and wasted no time kicking Keroro down the flight of stairs.

“Mm… It’s hot, here, too, but it feels like a better kind of it,” she said with a small, serene smile as she stepped over Keroro. The others did so in suite, climbing off of the jet and looking about. Momoka had done her part in helping fund the transport, and she flushed as she stood beside Fuyuki, and inched closer and closer to him.

“What a romantic spot…. Maybe… Maybe we’ll split up to look for Kirere-chan’s friend, and I’ll get put on the same team as Fuyuki,” she whispered excited beneath her breath.

Kirere had her bike at her side as she descended the stairs, and Giroro could read her emotions as she looked out at the green around them, “…Don’t go anywhere yet. We have some things to sort out. He’ll be fine, Kirere.”

Kirere answered with something like a small grumble, and took her place with the others on the tarmac.

“Yo!” Mahihi waved out of the side window of his van and laid on the horn as he drove up, and Natsumi gave a sigh.

“He couldn’t be inconspicuous if he tried, could he?” Natsumi muttered as Mahihi continued to lay down on the horn. He pulled up to the group, screeching his brakes to a halt, and stepped out, in his human form. Rokiki, having not seen this version of his former friend before, balked at the sight of the Keronian in disguise.

“You… What in the hell are you wearing?!” Rokiki yelped.

“It’s the latest fashion here,” Mahihi answered, and winked at Rokiki. “You should try it, Roki.”


“And who’re these two?” Mahihi looked over to Mora and Chandi. “A Maronian! You don’t see many of those on Pekopon… And you’re…”

“She’s just annoying,” Rokiki answered, folding his arms. Mora meant this with a light smack to Rokiki’s shoulder, and a look that could kill.

“So you’re looking for that older guy with the funny name, huh? Well, I can give you guys room and board, but that’s about it… I’m no good when it comes to thinking.”

“How’s Daisy?” Giroro asked as they walked back to the car, and Mahihi gave a beaming smile.

“Good, and about ready to have the baby,” Mahihi said proudly, and opened the back doors to the van. The group piled in, sitting atop surfboards, and Natsumi had only just shut the door to the passenger seat she sat in when Mahihi sped off, knocking the group to one side of the van.

“Quit driving like an idiot!” Tamama and Momoka shouted; this stunned Mahihi, and he was nervously cautious for the rest of the drive.

“Casa sweet casa!” he slammed the door shut and smiled, stretching after the long car ride. The front wooden porch and yard were filled with toys, patio furniture, and surfboards. The children were playing on the front porch, and rushed the Keronians as they piled out, sore from the car ride.

“W-What!? Stay away!” Rokiki barked in warning to the children; but he was lifted up by the oldest, a girl, in spite of his protests.

“Okay, a little more respect for the grump. C’mon, put him down!” Mahihi sighed, and shoed away the children.

“Could you say not a people person?” Mois chimed in.

“Come on, let’s get everyone inside…” Mahihi waved to them, and his middle son, a boy, tugged on his father’s arm.

“We wanted to show you the fort we built!”

“You finished it, eh?” Giroro nodded in approval. “I’ll take a look at it if you want.” He allowed the children to run ahead of him, and he walked toward the side of the house, his arms folded.

Kirere began to lift up the kickstand of her bike, but Kururu placed a hand atop her shoulder.

“Kuku, not so fast,” he chuckled. She heaved a sigh and replaced the kickstand.

“It’s amazing how he’s really gotten into the father role,” Keroro sighed.

The others walked into the home, which was just as cluttered as the outside. Daisy could be heard in the kitchen, cooking.

“Ehhh some people will have to sleep in what’s going to be the baby’s room,” he scratched the back of his head and laughed apologetically. “We’ll find spaces for everyone, don’t worry!”

“My husband will make sure you’re all comfortable or else!” Daisy called out.

“Yeah, or else,” he nodded.

Tamama had been listening to this, but something on a cluttered shelf caught his attention; a framed photograph. He gave a gasp as he realized who was in the photo, “G-Gunso-san! Lookit!”

“Gero? What is it, Tamama?” Keroro turned his head, and followed the direction of Tamama’s pointing. “…It couldn’t be!”

“Mahi? Hehe, oh, that!” Mahihi laughed and lifted up the framed photograph. “Yeah, and that was without any drinking involved!” He turned the picture around, and even Kirere, who had been stern-faced, switched for a dumbfounded look.

“Kukuku! Tell me you have copies,” Kururu said, tears from restrained laughter in his eyes.

Giroro by now had finished looking over the fort, and was in the middle of giving the children pointers on how to make it better when he suddenly stopped; that photo…

“M-Mahihi! I thought that you—”

“Dude, I told you I was gonna frame this. I love this picture!”

“I didn’t think you’d do it!” Giroro yelped.

“My bad, sorry…” Mahihi gave an embarrassed laugh, and Giroro’s face flushed bright red as Natsumi took hold of the frame. It was both Mahihi and Giroro, done up in full hula gear and looking as though they were in the middle of their own party.

“At least you two look like you were having a good time,” Natsumi muttered, but it was too late—Giroro had gone into his own trauma mode.

The meal Daisy had made was immense, in huge industrial-sized pots. The only thing left in the wake after the huge feast was a large stack of plates. Somehow the Keronians and lone Maronian had ended up on kitchen duty afterward.

“How I ended up on women’s work…” Rokiki grumbled. “Mora! Where’s your lazy daughter at?!”

“Helping get the blankets and pillows together, Rokiki-kun. Everyone’s doing their part, and you’re going to, too,” Mora floated back and forth putting away the dishes. Everyone was doing their part helping, but one stood out from the rest in terms of speed and workload.

Keroro was breezing through the dishwashing, to the point where Giroro, Dororo, and Tamama were all putting away dishes, cups, and silverware. Kururu would pick up one piece of silverware at a time to be put away, but stopped after three or four trips.

“Ah, finished! Now on to the floors!” Keroro hopped off of the stool and wiped his hands clean. He wore his trademark handkerchief and apron, and stopped as he saw Romama in the midst of collecting the trash. “Ojiisama, remember to break up the boxes before placing them in the bag! You’ll get more space in there that way!”

Romama only answered with a grumble as he did this and found Keroro to be right, and continued on his work.

“I’ll take it out for you, Romama-dono,” Dororo nodded as the teal Keronian tied up the bag and began to lug it to the street.

“Thanks,” Romama nodded. He handed the bag off to Dororo, and just as quickly had to rush across the kitchen to break up a fight between Giroro and Rokiki.

“Ah, there is nothing as precious as a peaceful evening!” Dororo became oblivious to the screams from inside as he took out the heavy bag, “If only Koyuki-dono and Lupapa-dono were here to see this as well! Eh? Kirere-chan! What are you doing?”

The sound from her bike drowned out any of Dororo’s calling to her, and she broke away from the house at top speed, leaving only a red streak in the night’s sky. Dororo gave a sigh and hopped up, making a few quick symbols with his hands, and as he fell back down to earth he instead landed on his own saucer, which he used to follow Kirere quickly. She made a sharp right, and he managed to follow her lead, making an equally sharp turn, and continued to call out to her, eventually zooming up to her side.

“Kirere-chan! You need to go back!” he called out to her. “Your parents will be worried sick! I understand you wanting to find Suzuyama-dono, but we’ll do it as a group! This is much too risky!”

“I don’t care!” she shouted back. “I’ve got to find him!”

“Kirere-chan! I… Watch out!” he yelled to her. She looked forward, and gave a yell as she was driving directly into a satellite tower. Dororo, thinking quickly, flew in front of her, jumping off of his saucer and grabbing onto her, but overcorrecting himself and flying off of the bike with her.

Both vehicles hit the tower, gave a loud, screeching metallic noise, and then dual explosions. Dororo managed to secure a safe landing for them by gripping onto the limb of a strong tree, and clutching on for a few moments before jumping down onto the ground.

“Kirere-chan, are you all right?”

“Yeah, but I don’t think our vehicles are,” Kirere muttered.

“Kirere-chan, that was very wreckless! You could have caused yourself serious harm!” Dororo said, exasperated.

“B-But you would have done it for Koyuki-san, right?!”

“For Koyuki-dono?... In the blink of an eye. But that doesn’t make it any more right,” Dororo answered. “…We’ll just have to find our way back now.”

“How do we do that?” she asked, and he seemed cheerful to answer her.

“It’s quite simple! The stars will act as our map!” he replied, shooting back up into the trees. His positive attitude quickly vanished, however, as he looked up at the sky; it was a new moon, and a cloudy night. Kirere only heard the squeak of his realization that this form of navigation wouldn’t work.

He hopped back down to the ground, and gave a nervous laugh. Kirere knew this wasn’t a good sign.

“Hey, doesn’t moss grow on the north of trees?!” Kirere asked excitedly, pointing to one of the nearby trees.

“Unfortunately that’s merely a myth… Now, the tower is back there, so we’ll use that as our marker,” he pointed in the direction of the tower, and began walking the opposite direction of it. It didn’t take too long, but they ended up on an unmarked road. Both switched on their invisibility, and walked down the side of the dark road.

Kirere heard a howling noise from the dense forest, and gave a jump. Dororo placed a hand on her shoulder for reassurance.

“If I hadn’t given up on him so Lupapa-san could date him this would be really nice about now,” she said beneath her breath.

“This reminds me of survival training when I was younger!” Dororo said cheerfully. “They would leave us in the middle of a wooded area like this, and it would be our job to get back as soon as possible and alive!”

The girl stiffened at the word “alive”. Dororo quickly followed up his statement with, “It was a very rare instance when someone didn’t return alive!”

“Yeah, hehe…. And you made it out all right!” Kirere said aloud, for more reassurance to herself than anything else.

“Well, I had practice,” Dororo replied, and then stopped his walk. “When we were younger, Giroro-kun and Keroro-kun went camping with me, and Keroro-kun forgot the batteries for the flashlight, then our food rations supplies vanished… And then I was left behind, and had to fend for myself….”

“N-No! Wait! Don’t! Not now, not now!” Kirere waved her hands wildly about him, but it was too late—He was in full trauma mode. She heard another howl, and gave a yell, then began to shake. She lifted her head up at a sound that was much more familiar to her; the zooming of tires down an empty road. In the distance she could see a headlight slowly becoming bright and larger as it sped at a breakneck speed down the narrow road. At first, Kirere was glad to have this sign of life; this quickly changed as she watched a poled net come down.

She was too slow to beat it, and Dororo was incapacitated; so both were easily scooped up by the net, and the driver continued the fast speed, only if they were using only one hand to drive with now.

“Ah, finished!” Keroro dabbed his forehead but otherwise looked refreshed. The other aliens were exhausted from the stringent cleaning, and looked it.

“If only he only showed this much focus in the invasion, we could have overrun this planet three times now!” Giroro huffed.

“Keroro-chan will make someone a very nice wife one day,” Mora chuckled jokingly, and wiped her forehead.

Mahihi walked into the kitchen, back in his natural Keronian form, and began to choke on the drink he’d been sipping as he laid eyes on the sparkling kitchen, “W-Where’d our kitchen go?!”

“So you could do this all along?” the voice and shadow behind him were familiar, and he spun around, and looked down at his wife.

“W-Well it’s different per person, understand!” Mahihi explained in a stutter.

“Ah, work like this really gets the blood going!” Keroro exclaimed.

“He’ll pay you if you get the living room cleaned like this,” Daisy pointed to Mahihi, who was caught in a rare off-guard moment.

“Pay?” he repeated, and looked over his shoulder to his wife. “Daisy, t-that’s just too cruel!”

“He’d love to, but he has other obligations,” Giroro had one of his guns pressed up against Keroro’s cheek, serving as a subtle reminder to the Sergeant.

“Y-Yes, that’s right. Where is Kirere-chan, anyway?”

“Probably taking something apart somewhere,” Tamama muttered.

“I have another bag of trash to take out,” Romama announced, and walked over to the can. He gave a gasp after her finished tying the bag, and gave a yell, “The blue one! He took out the last trash, about an hour ago!”

“Dororo? Well, get him to do it again then, Ojiisama. You outrank him,” Keroro said nonchalantly, and Romama rushed over to his nephew, grabbing Keroro and pulling him closer.

“You don’t think it’s weird he’s missing!?”

“Well, what’s the worst that could have happened? He’s probably meditating somewhere, knowing Dororo Heicho!”

“She’s not picking up her phone,” Kururu announced, and this caught Giroro’s attention as he saw Kururu on a yellow cell phone.

“When did we decide to get her one of—Wait, she’s not? Every girl her age makes sure they always have their phone on!” Giroro exclaimed, and drew curious looks for this statement. “…It’s in one of those stupid pop songs she listens to.”

“That’s a Chu song, right? Keep your phone on ring for me, baby?” Mahihi added, and this drew more curious looks. “My daughter’s a fan,” he explained.

“Gunso-san! Kiichi’s bike is gone!” Tamama had walked out into the backyard, and Giroro was the first to rush out at the sound of this news.

“She wouldn’t go without it…”

“She couldn’t. Have you seen her run? Kukuku!”

“Where could she have gone? Did Dororo follow her?” Giroro wondered.

“Well, the trash didn’t make it to the cans, so it’s probably safe to assume he got stopped in the middle of something, kuuuukuku!”

“Where’d they go? You’re really asking yourself that?” Rokiki snorted. “It’s obvious she went to go see that idiot.”

“Eh?” Giroro looked to Rokiki, and Mahihi tilted his head as he was able to get a profile of both men, side by side.

“Hey, Roki…”

“What?” Rokiki asked in a short-tempered sigh.

“Did you and Lupapa… Or maybe some other…. No, never mind,” Mahihi shook his head. “It’s nothing.”

“We’ll have to go there then. She’s too impulsive sometimes! It’s infuriating,” Giroro grumbled.

“Eh, Giroro, should you be one talking?” Keroro asked quietly.

“Kuku, do you really think we’d be able to walk right through the front gates undetected, just like that?” Kururu asked skeptically.

“No, we’ll use force. For all we know, she fell right into a trap of some kind!” Giroro signaled this by holding up one the heavier guns he owned.

“I’m all for that!” Tamama exclaimed, clenching his fists.

“Won’t they see you all, then?” Mora asked gently, and the platoon, who had looked hopeful at the idea of force, now looked crestfallen.

“Just do what you do best and wing it,” Romama suggested. “What’s the worst that could happen to you that hasn’t already?”

“Just wing it?” Keroro repeated, then smiled proudly. “Ojiisama’s and I are more alike than even I was aware!”

“I didn’t—Ugh, let go of me!” Romama growled as Keroro embraced him.

“We’ll have to hurry. Come on!” Giroro had his saucer out and was ready to take flight.

“We’ll take my van. As long as no one complains I can get you there faster,” Mahihi waved, instructing them to follow him towards it.

“Doing a rescue mission in a family vehicle. Only this group of screw-ups would find that all right,” Rokiki grumbled.

“You’re both comfy, right?” the maid handed Kirere a large glass of iced tea, and the girl only nodded her head. The same maid set down a tray with another glass in front of Dororo, who sat with his back turned on the luxurious red couch; his aura was still heavy.

“You can watch whatever you want, or we’ll bring you both movies if you like!” she stood up and gave a giggle. “What do you think of my Japanese? I’ve been practicing!”

“Are you going to get police here?” Kirere asked quietly.

The maid only laughed at this, “I think you’ll be fine! Now is there anything else you need?”

Kirere shook her head, and the maid exited. Kirere looked over at Dororo; his eyes were less glazed-over now, and it appeared as though he was coming out of his trauma mode.

“Doro? Kirere-chan! Are you all right?!” he gasped as he became aware of the new surroundings. “What happened?!”

“We got kidnapped by rich people,” Kirere answered. “There’s no way to get out of the windows, I tried.”

“We’ll have to think of an alternative way, then,” Dororo hopped off of the couch, and Kirere set her drink back on the tray and slipped off of the couch. He unsheathed his sword, and looked to his left to the unsure young girl. “I want you to stay close, Kirere-chan.”

“Right,” she nodded, and he was prepared to rush the door when it opened, and in walked three humans. One man at the head, another man behind him, and beside him a woman.

“Haruki?” Kirere blinked, more stunned than relieved. “And… Another Haruki?”

Episode 14:
Keroro Shotai: Hawaiian Blues!
Part 1
© 2009 - 2024 jlucydaisuke
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LtCouguru's avatar
I wanns see the pic...